Anchor Linkset

The Anchor linkset is a JSON document that contains a link to a batch of document operations along with a link to a verifiable credential containing proofs from one or more witnesses. This document is stored in Content Addressible Storage using the multihash of the document as the key. The multihash is used in the first segment of the DID (after did:orb) of a canonical Orb DID. This multihash specifies the latest anchor object that contains a create or recover operation for the Sidetree DID suffix. (See did:orb.)

Document Operation Batch

The batch of document operations is represented as a linkset. This document contains the DIDs that were anchored, as well as the hashlink of the previous anchor of the DID (if any).

  "linkset": [
      "anchor": "hl:uEiCJYS5Jin-3ZSwBT_RT0c0zZ0Z6B3_o0ddDDCMZXlUxAQ",
      "author": [
          "href": ""
      "item": [
          "href": "did:orb:uEiDI4O-5rOPmKYnmnhqghzKfcdlxcxxVKjaiju-LJPRp3Q:EiAISUte9hAoUQFyxGyzZBOLJiVOSo_6NvQI1_KTSrZEuw",
          "previous": [
          "href": "did:orb:uEiDI4O-5rOPmKYnmnhqghzKfcdlxcxxVKjaiju-LJPRp3Q:EiCA9cT2WkrRbpVqvK9NYnfYL8oAXIGHozjzN_w9cetyJA",
          "previous": [
          "href": "did:orb:uEiDI4O-5rOPmKYnmnhqghzKfcdlxcxxVKjaiju-LJPRp3Q:EiALeU9pNA-LPMW5HsmMNhJ_-JgTVP_fYnkA2InI8RtkzA",
          "previous": [
          "href": "did:orb:uEiDI4O-5rOPmKYnmnhqghzKfcdlxcxxVKjaiju-LJPRp3Q:EiApG3pQlSpclipU8ImLKpllbWlPCWHjobK_ASmGAjTeYA",
          "previous": [
          "href": "did:orb:uEiDI4O-5rOPmKYnmnhqghzKfcdlxcxxVKjaiju-LJPRp3Q:EiAtOCeMIculDkB6mm8aSj0m928dwKfM8wqLk-iSo81V7w",
          "previous": [
      "profile": [
          "href": ""

The fields of the Document Operation Batch linkset are described below.

Author Relation

The author relation specifies the author (creator) of the linkset.

Profile Relation

The profile relation specifies the version of the application that was used to generate this linkset. For example, the profile, “”, indicates that the linkset was generated by Orb version 0.

Item Relation

The item relation contains an array of the DIDs that were created or updated. The “href” member contains the DID and the “previous” member contains the hashlink of the previous anchor (in the case where the DID was updated).

NOTE: If the DID was created, then the “href” member contains a non-canonical DID and the “previous” member is not present. In the case of a DID update, the DID is in the canonical form and the “previous” attribute is also present.

Anchor Credential Document

The Anchor Credential document is a Verifiable Credential containing witness proofs. For example:

  "@context": [
  "credentialSubject": {
    "anchor": "hl:uEiCJYS5Jin-3ZSwBT_RT0c0zZ0Z6B3_o0ddDDCMZXlUxAQ",
    "href": "hl:uEiAIMnHwbdHbpWbL3OlruU1xtqW-Potpi0bW0ioXFCZ94w",
    "profile": "",
    "rel": "linkset",
    "type": [
  "id": "",
  "issuanceDate": "2022-09-20T20:57:11.776289881Z",
  "issuer": "",
  "proof": [
      "created": "2022-09-20T20:57:11.782036216Z",
      "domain": "",
      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
      "proofValue": "z3VUDMo8tksYYD14crKHQx7HZLtJPwi7V4g2az1puHDhRYxTXSFQ3a2Qch7Az8niyQ1TXdKKaWzjvXoYNFUbJJmr9",
      "type": "Ed25519Signature2020",
      "verificationMethod": ""
      "created": "2022-09-20T20:57:11.966Z",
      "domain": "http://orb.vct:8077/maple2020",
      "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
      "proofValue": "z54WJu6r64W6Fq4LfiVzojHYHkwo4aVEMQ1KA15XYUhqwZPFwByqeV9Dwi3UPFPfKUsUsVUh92edAD1nGsd6n2nf6",
      "type": "Ed25519Signature2020",
      "verificationMethod": ""
  "type": [

The “credentialSubject” object is a link object containing the following members:


The JSON-LD type, “AnchorLink”, which indicates that this object is a link.

Link Context (anchor)

The “anchor” member specifies the context of the link, which is the hash of the Sidetree core index file. Several link relations are defined for the anchor, which are described below.


The profile relation specifies the version of the application that was used to generate the credential subject. For example, the profile, “”, indicates that the credential subject was generated by Orb version 0.


The href member contains the target IRI, which is the hash of the canonicalized Document Operation Batch.


The rel relation describes the type of the target object. In this case we use “linkset” since the target (href) is the Document Operation Batch linkset.

Anchor Linkset Document

The Anchor Linkset is a document that links all of the above documents: Document Operation Batch, Related Links, and Anchor Credential. For example:

  "linkset": [
      "anchor": "hl:uEiAIMnHwbdHbpWbL3OlruU1xtqW-Potpi0bW0ioXFCZ94w",
      "author": [
          "href": ""
      "original": [
          "href": "data:application/json,",
          "type": "application/linkset+json"
      "profile": [
          "href": ""
      "related": [
          "href": "data:application/json,",
          "type": "application/linkset+json"
      "replies": [
          "href": "data:application/json,",
          "type": "application/ld+json"

The fields of the anchor linkset are described below.

Link Context (anchor)

The linkset contains one link context object where the context is specified by the “anchor” member. The “anchor” member contains the multihash of the canonicalized Document Operation Batch file. A number of link relations are defined for the anchor, which are described below.

Author Relation

The author relation specifies the author (creator) of the linkset.

Profile Relation

The profile relation specifies the version of the application that was used to generate this linkset. For example, the profile, “”, indicates that the linkset was generated by Orb version 0.

Original Relation

The original relation links to the Document Operation Batch file. In the above example anchor linkset, a data URL is used for the target of this relation such that the document operation batch is embedded in the href. NOTE: The contents of the data URL may be resolved by copying the href and pasting it into a browser.

Replies Relation

The replies relation links to the Anchor Credential Document. In the above example anchor linkset, a data URL is used for the target of this relation such that the anchor credential is embedded in the href. NOTE: The contents of the data URL may be resolved by copying the href and pasting it into a browser.


An AnchorEvent is an ActivityPub object that contains the Anchor Linkset and is embedded in Create and Announce activities to propagate the Anchor Linkset to other Orb domains. For example:

  "@context": "",
  "object": {
    "linkset": [
        "anchor": "hl:uEiAIMnHwbdHbpWbL3OlruU1xtqW-Potpi0bW0ioXFCZ94w",
        "author": [
            "href": ""
        "original": [
            "href": "data:application/json,",
            "type": "application/linkset+json"
        "profile": [
            "href": ""
        "related": [
            "href": "data:application/json,",
            "type": "application/linkset+json"
        "replies": [
            "href": "data:application/json,",
            "type": "application/ld+json"
  "type": "AnchorEvent",
  "url": "hl:uEiDmX8aJHcpNUyKg8bTuxG7haDCqLWZ49iOXXd-SW3K-3A:uoQ-BeEtodHRwczovL29yYi5kb21haW41LmNvbS9jYXMvdUVpRG1YOGFKSGNwTlV5S2c4YlR1eEc3aGFEQ3FMV1o0OWlPWFhkLVNXM0stM0E"

The “object” field contains the Anchor Linkset and the “url” field contains the hashlink of the Anchor Linkset, which includes the links to the Anchor Linkset. For example:


The hashlink above contains the multihash of the Anchor Linkset, uEiDmX8aJHcpNUyKg8bTuxG7haDCqLWZ49iOXXd-SW3K-3A and a link to the file: