Verifiable Data Registry (VDR)

The VDR is a Go library that may be used by clients to manage DID operation.


New will return new instance of Orb VDR.

func New(keyRetriever KeyRetriever, opts ...Option) (*VDR, error)

Key Retriever interface

Key Retriever is used to manage operation keys.


GetNextRecoveryPublicKey is called in recover DID to get the recover next public key. This public key will be used to verify next recover request (the client need to use the private key to sign next recover request).

GetNextRecoveryPublicKey(didID, commitment string) (crypto.PublicKey, error)


GetNextUpdatePublicKey is called in update and recover DID to get the update next public key. This public key will be used to verify next update request (the client need to use the private key to sign next update request).

GetNextUpdatePublicKey(didID, commitment string) (crypto.PublicKey, error)


GetSigningKey is called in update,recover and deactivate DID to get the private key. This private key will be used to sign update,recover and deactivate request.

OperationType update need private key for update DID request. OperationType recover need private key for recover or deactivate DID request.

GetSigningKey(didID string, ot OperationType, commitment string) (crypto.PrivateKey, error)


New options.


WithHTTPClient option is for custom http client.

WithHTTPClient(httpClient *http.Client) Option


WithTLSConfig option is for definition of secured HTTP transport using a tls.Config instance.

func WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config) Option 


WithUnanchoredMaxLifeTime option is max time for unanchored to be trusted.

func WithUnanchoredMaxLifeTime(duration time.Duration) Option


WithVerifyResolutionResultType option is set verify resolution result type.

VerifyResolutionResultType Types:

  • All: Will not trust server and verify provided resolution result from server against resolution result that is assembled from published (DID anchored) and unpublished (DID not anchored yet) operations.

  • Unpublished: Will not trust server and verify provided resolution result from server against resolution result that is assembled from unpublished operations (DID not anchored yet).

  • None: Will trust server and not verify document.

func WithVerifyResolutionResultType(v VerifyResolutionResultType) Option 


WithAuthToken option add auth token.

func WithAuthToken(authToken string) Option


WithDomain option add Orb domains that vdr will them to communicate.

To add multiple domains you need to call this option once for each domain.

func WithDomain(domain string) Option


WithDocumentLoader option overrides the default JSONLD document loader used when processing JSONLD DID documents.

func WithDocumentLoader(l jsonld.DocumentLoader) Option


import (

type keyRetrieverImpl struct {
	nextRecoveryPublicKey crypto.PublicKey
	nextUpdatePublicKey   crypto.PublicKey
	updateKey             crypto.PrivateKey
	recoverKey            crypto.PrivateKey

func (k *keyRetrieverImpl) GetNextRecoveryPublicKey(didID string) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
	return k.nextRecoveryPublicKey, nil

func (k *keyRetrieverImpl) GetNextUpdatePublicKey(didID string) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
	return k.nextUpdatePublicKey, nil

func (k *keyRetrieverImpl) GetSigningKey(didID string, ot orb.OperationType) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
	if ot == orb.Update {
		return k.updateKey, nil

	return k.recoverKey, nil

keyRetrieverImpl := &keyRetrieverImpl{}

vdr, err := orb.New(keyRetrieverImpl, orb.WithDomain(""))
	if err != nil {
		return err


Create used to create new Orb DID.

func Create(did *docdid.Doc, opts ...vdrapi.DIDMethodOption) (*docdid.DocResolution, error)


Create options.


This option is mandatory. Will be used to set recovery key private key for create.


This option is mandatory. Will be used to set update key private key for create.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set operation endpoint.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set anchor origin for create request.


This option is not mandatory. Will be used check if DID is anchored.

Value of CheckDIDAnchored option:

type ResolveDIDRetry struct {
	MaxNumber int
	SleepTime *time.Duration


import (

ariesdid ""
vdrapi ""


recoveryKey, recoveryKeyPrivateKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

updateKey, updateKeyPrivateKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

didPublicKey, _, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

jwk, err := jose.JWKFromKey(didPublicKey)
if err != nil {
	return err

vm,err:=ariesdid.NewVerificationMethodFromJWK("key1", "Ed25519VerificationKey2018", "", jwk)
if err != nil {
	return err

didDoc := &ariesdid.Doc{}

// add did keys
didDoc.Authentication = append(didDoc.Authentication, *ariesdid.NewReferencedVerification(vm,

// add did services
didDoc.Service = []ariesdid.Service{{ID: "svc1", Type: "type", ServiceEndpoint: ""}}

// create did
createdDocResolution, err := vdr.Create(didDoc,
		vdrapi.WithOption(orb.RecoveryPublicKeyOpt, recoveryKey),
		vdrapi.WithOption(orb.UpdatePublicKeyOpt, updateKey),
		// No need to use this option because we already use domain
		// vdrapi.WithOption(orb.OperationEndpointsOpt, []string{""}),
		vdrapi.WithOption(orb.AnchorOriginOpt, ""))
if err != nil {
	return err



Read used to resolve Orb DID.

func Read(did string, opts ...vdrapi.DIDMethodOption) (*docdid.DocResolution, error)


Read options.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set resolution endpoint.


docResolution, err := vdr.Read(didID)
if err != nil {
	return err



Update used to update or recover Orb DID.

func Update(didDoc *docdid.Doc, opts ...vdrapi.DIDMethodOption) error


Update options.


This option is mandatory. Will be used to signal that it’s recover request [true, false].


This option is not mandatory. Will be used to set anchor origin for recover request.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set operation endpoint for recover request.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set resolution endpoint.


This option is not mandatory. Will be used check if DID is updated.

Value of CheckDIDUpdated option:

type ResolveDIDRetry struct {
	MaxNumber int
	SleepTime *time.Duration

Example Update

updateKey, updateKeyPrivateKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

// this key will used for next update request
keyRetrieverImpl.nextUpdatePublicKey = updateKey

didPublicKey, _, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

jwk, err := jose.JWKFromKey(didPublicKey)
if err != nil {
	return err

vm,err:=ariesdid.NewVerificationMethodFromJWK("key1", "Ed25519VerificationKey2018", "", jwk)
if err != nil {
	return err

didDoc := &ariesdid.Doc{ID: didID}

didDoc.Authentication = append(didDoc.Authentication, *ariesdid.NewReferencedVerification(vm,

didDoc.CapabilityInvocation = append(didDoc.CapabilityInvocation, *ariesdid.NewReferencedVerification(vm,

didDoc.Service = []ariesdid.Service{
			ID:              "svc1",
			Type:            "typeUpdated",
			ServiceEndpoint: "",
			ID:              "svc2",
			Type:            "type",
			ServiceEndpoint: "",

if err := vdr.Update(didDoc); err != nil {
	return err

// update private key will be used to sign next update request
keyRetrieverImpl.updateKey = updateKeyPrivateKey

Example Recover

recoveryKey, recoveryKeyPrivateKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

// this key will used for next recover request
keyRetriever.nextRecoveryPublicKey = recoveryKey

didDoc := &ariesdid.Doc{ID: didID}

didPublicKey, _, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
	return err

jwk, err := jose.JWKFromKey(didPublicKey)
if err != nil {
	return err

vm,err:=ariesdid.NewVerificationMethodFromJWK("key1", "Ed25519VerificationKey2018", "", jwk)
if err != nil {
	return err

didDoc.CapabilityInvocation = append(didDoc.CapabilityInvocation, *ariesdid.NewReferencedVerification(vm,

didDoc.Service = []ariesdid.Service{{ID: "svc1", Type: "type", ServiceEndpoint: ""}}

if err := e.vdr.Update(didDoc,
	vdrapi.WithOption(orb.RecoverOpt, true), 
	vdrapi.WithOption(orb.AnchorOriginOpt, "")); err != nil {
	return err

// recover private key will be used to sign next recover request
keyRetrieverImpl.recoverKey = recoveryKeyPrivateKey


Deactivate used to deactivate Orb DID.

func Deactivate(didID string, opts ...vdrapi.DIDMethodOption) error


Deactivate options.


This option is mandatory when domain not set. Will be used to set operation endpoint.


if err:=vdr.Deactivate(discoverableDID);err!=nil{
 return err